Featured Athletes and Partners
Jay Davi

Jay has been with Atlas Menswear since before our launch. We met him while preparing for the 2020 Arnold Sports Festival. Jay loves wearing Atlas Menswear clothing because the fit complements his muscular physique. Jay works hard in the gym and has ambitions to compete as a pro bodybuilder. He is also a great networker and has a passion for planning events. If Jay is hosting an event, you can be sure it's going to be great. Jay is a top notch guy and we're proud to have him on our team.
Instagram - @iamjaydavi
Scott Schulze

I met Scott at the 2020 Arnold Sports Festival. The expo was canceled which allowed me to do more one on one networking. This turned out to be a blessing because I was able to meet some amazing people. Scott is an IFBB pro bodybuilder and coach/trainer. Scott tried on one of our Pro Series shirts at the Powerhouse Gym in Columbus. He looked great in the shirt, and the shirt looked good on him! Scott loved the shirt and he immediately joined our team and is helping us grow. Scott exemplifies the word "pro" and we are so happy he's a part of the Atlas team.
Instagram - @scottschulzeofficial
Powerhouse Gym - Columbus

The legendary Powerhouse Gym in Columbus: This is the place where the pro's go to work out during the Arnold Sports Festival. The Powerhouse has been instrumental in the development of the Atlas Menswear shirts. They allowed us to do measure and fitting sessions on athletes right in their gym. I can't think of a more appropriate setting to hone our fit than along side real athletes honing their physiques. If you are in Columbus, you definitely want check out the Powerhouse Gym.
Website: https://powerhousegym.com/columbus/
Instagram - @powerhousegymcolumbus